To further its reach into the pharmaceutical space during 2022, TruTag Technologies aligned with Health Innovation & Technology Lab (HITLAB). HITLAB helps organizations shape the future of healthcare to improve lives worldwide. Two events featured TruTag prominently. The first featured Barry McDonogh, TruTag Senior VP of Business Development. During the Digital Health Symposium on April 28, Barry described and demonstrated how the TruTags technology works and its value proposition for makers of oral medicines. You can watch that event here.
The second event was HITLAB’s Summer Innovators Summit in July. TruTag VP of Smart Medicine, Jeannette Tighe, discussed along with a panel of pharmaceutical executives the value of digitized oral meds across the pharma ecosystem. Panelists agreed that there is tremendous value to embracing the kind of on-dose solution offered by TruTag. You can watch that event here.
“The entire pharmaceutical ecosystem needs what we are offering,” said TruTag VP-Smart Medicines, Jeannette Tighe. “Our on-dose solution boosts the efficacy of clinical trials while authenticating the oral medicines patients depend on,” continued Jeannette. “TruTag aligned with the very broad and deep HITLAB audience to unveil a technology that will be vital in the digital medicine space.”